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Ijirashi Konayuki (played by ShipwreckyBeccy) | |
Malex (played anonymously) | |
Noctilucence (played by Bananasaurus) | |
Jason Bonham (played by Saberus) | |
Stredlands Ambassador and Liaison |
Dergo (played by Duradain) | |
Ecksel (played by Kahmical) | |
Mitneirsaweramuul (played by Saberus) | |
Life Partner |
Sweeck (played by Bananasaurus) | |
Aemar (played by Aubrey) | |
Prismatical (played by Bananasaurus) | |
Nuzh di-Gahl (played by Bananasaurus) | |
Chester Reming (played anonymously) | |
Master of the Argent Order |
Melwind Syrbille (played by RoamingHeart) | |
Lion (played anonymously) | |
Manoja (played anonymously) | |
Matthews Thompson (played by Saberus) | |
Antagonistic Ignoring-Each-Other |
Aeralis (played by Aubrey) | |
Ashmantle (played anonymously) | |
Chester Reming (played anonymously) || June 2 2023, 12:29am
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